Friday, November 04, 2005


I just chanced upon a simple revelation that I think I've always known. My brother was asking me if i was going to school tomorrow (tomorrow being Saturday), and I said yes. What he meant, of course, was if I was going to school for academic stuff. When i said yes I meant I was going to school, but for cell group. My church is in the school campus for the uninformed. So I told him, if you asked me on ANY day before school closed for the hols, if I was going to school the following day, the answer would always be yes. I enter the school campus seven days a week. Then I said, on Monday to Friday I go there for academic education. On Saturday and Sunday it's for spiritual education. I thought it sad that we spend more time on other things than spiritual education. Then it struck me. We spend only two or one days in church so that we may apply what we learn there in the other five days of the week. Monday to Friday, then, is putting into practice what we have been taught. Of course, one might say we are supposed to grow and learn spiritually everyday. Yes, that is true, but to me those days of growing are through practice, and perhaps through teaching here and there. But the days when we devote our time and energy entirely to "the things eternal", as CS Lewis wrote, are on the weekends. And they are few, so that we may pass through the things temporal with the grace given then.


So, after my PW was done in the morning I went out for lunch with Quek. We witnessed a spectacular pyrotechnics display in Manhattan Fish Market. That's the first time I've seen anyone flame prawns with a blowtorch. So Jeremy got to eat his award-winning flaming prawns. That plus fireworks, haha.

I realised, that for all my fascination with CS Lewis' works, I've never actually read the Chronicles of Narnia. How ironic, since most people encounter Lewis first through that portion of his writings. I've decided to get a copy of "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" before the movie comes out. So that's another show onto my list. Add "King Kong" to the list too. Another three-hour Peter Jackson epic coming our way, haha. I miss the yearly LOTR fests.

Liz: For the love of sanity, how many times must I tell you that I am NOT vicks' husband?? I know for a fact she doesn't like you teasing her about this, and I think you know that too. So please drop it. In any case, I'm neither inviting her nor anyone else to the party. haha. But that's for now. My plans may change.

Quek: well, like I said, my plans may change. I don't think my house can fit that many people, haha. How many years has it been since I invited you and Ker Han? three?

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